The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
208 Eustis Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256.533.2455
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am until 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am until Noon
The Vestry, Finance Committee, Accessibility Committee, and our Capital Campaign Consultant, have been working closely with Matheny Goldmon Architects and local construction companies, to establish a responsible, attainable, and sufficient cost estimate to allow us to complete all aspects of this project. These groups agree that $4.5 million will allow us to fully fund the scope of work.
The Vestry and Finance Committee agree that holding long-term debt with annual payments is not in the best interest of our parish. We have confidence that this parish has the capacity and the will to reach our capital campaign goal of $4.5 million.
Our annual campaign will run concurrently with our capital campaign. We will invite people to continue their generous and faithful annual giving and consider pledging to the capital campaign over and above their annual giving.
Our current schedule would allow construction to begin in late Spring. We anticipate the project to conclude within 18 months.
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” 1 Corinthians 12:26
Our ministries are severely limited by our facilities. Now is the time for us to set the course for the next generation of ministry as we continue to honor all people. Our church is growing! Every day at Nativity new people are connecting with God, growing spiritually and relationally through our ministries, and serving this church and our larger community. Our staff and volunteer leadership are strong, and we are excited about creating a fully accessible campus.
The priority is to make all spaces at Nativity accessible so that every person may fully participate in the life and ministry of this parish. This includes having a sufficient number of accessible restrooms.
Buildings don’t reach people, we do! The building has always been, and will continue to be, the place from where we do God’s work. Our Accessibility Project will allow us to better fulfill our mission to seek and serve all people. The renovations will facilitate easier movement for everyone throughout our campus, improve our ability to welcome and serve people, and allow us to fully utilize all of our buildings. We are a place “where faith holds wide the door.” We need our buildings to express the warmth and welcome of our people.
We don’t feel it is an either/or between updating our building and fulfilling our mission. Our mission must continue to happen as we utilize our time, our talents, and our money to reach our community. Giving to the Becoming One Body campaign must be above and beyond our normal giving.
Pray for this project as you discern your role in it. Participate in our conversations and gatherings. Give generously and sacrificially. Ask questions of the people who can answer them.
The leadership of this campaign is excited to answer any questions you have. If you are asked to help with some aspects of the campaign, we hope you will say yes. It will be a great opportunity to make a difference and be part of an historic effort that will strengthen our church for generations to come.
Parishioners Lisa and David Hardy, and Suzy and Josh Hendrickson are the co-chairs of the campaign. We also have teams working in areas like prayer, celebration, advance commitments, and communication. Richard Rogers, a Senior Vice President with Horizons Stewardship, is our consultant.
We are excited for the Becoming One Body Campaign kick-off party. It will immediately follow our Annual Parish Meeting on January 12th at 4:00 pm. Then, on February 9th during worship services, we will bless and give thanks for your generous gifts.
The duration of the campaign is three years (2025-2028). Your commitment can be given as a one-time gift or spread out over three years.
Yes, in addition to cash gifts, we are able to receive gifts of stock, distributions from IRAs or 401(k)s and other options. You can contact Austin Cook in the church office 256-533-2455 ext. 219, to ask other questions about non-cash contributions. We can assist with the transfer and liquidation of securities at no cost so that the process is easy and efficient.
Your gift is being held in an interest-bearing account which can only be used for the One Body Campaign.
While the overall campaign goal is set at $4.5 million, because of your generous gifts we only have $3.62 million to go!
Construction will certainly limit our use of some spaces and cause us to think creatively about how we will navigate through our facilities at certain times during the process. However, at no point will the entire church be closed, and we do not anticipate having to relocate for Sunday services.
We expect the accessibility project to begin well before any final decisions can be made regarding the scope and cost of future termite repairs. We are hopeful that the arbitration will result in a financial recovery sufficient to fund any necessary repairs to termite damaged areas.
Becoming One Body Commitment Card QR Code
The Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation grows from the realization that the beautiful and historic buildings that now house the Episcopal Church of the Nativity have been handed down to us in a sacred trust from those who have come before. Recognizing this incredible gift, we are called to be faithful and generous stewards of these buildings by offering our own financial resources to the work of preservation so that generations to come will know and perform the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord that have been and will continue to be inspired through this holy place.
Donations can be made to the Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation by mailing a check to:
Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation
208 Eustis Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
For more information on including the Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation in your will, please contact Lou Durnya at
All Rights Reserved
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
208 Eustis Avenue SE, Huntsville, AL 35801