The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
208 Eustis Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: 256.533.2455
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am until 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am until Noon
Support ministries offer an opportunity for all people to be part of Nativity family in a thoughtful and meaningful way. There are many ways you can get involved!
Worship Ministries support our worship services.
Parish Family Ministries support members of our parish family during all phases of life through prayer and action.
Service Committees help take care of the business, buildings and functions of the church.
Care of Creation Committees help provide opportunities for us to take care of all God's creation through outreach, education and action.
Acolytes serve as crucifers, servers, torchbearers, lighters of candles and banner-bearers during Sunday and special services. They lead the procession and assist with the service in various roles. 5th – 12th graders are invited to serve as acolytes. For more information contact Rachael Samples
Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare all things necessary for the celebration of Eucharist and any other sacraments of the church. It involves cleaning, polishing and setting up the Altar on Saturday. It also involves working a shift during one of the church services, either on Sunday or during the week. For more information contact Peggy Serio,
The Verger assists in the execution of the liturgies. Nativity’s Verger leads processions into and during the service and is available to the Clergy should anything be needed during the service. Appointed by the Rector, this position requires special training.
Intercessors read the Prayers of the People during Sunday services. Lectors read the lessons and Psalms during Sunday and weekly services. For more information on how to serve in either of these ministries, please contact Rachael Samples.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
Eucharistic Ministers serve at the Altar during Holy Eucharist by administering the chalice. Training and instruction will be provided by the clergy for new Eucharistic Ministers prior to the first time they serve. For more information on how to serve in this ministry, please contact The Rev. Bob Serio at
Ushers are the first people parishioners and guests encounter when they attend a service at the Church of the Nativity. The ushers prepare the Church prior to the service and assist the worshippers as they enter, worship, and depart the Church. The ushers also function as First Responders per the Emergency Plan. Ushers are responsible for counting the number of people present for each service, ensuring the elements are brought to the altar during communion, passing the plate during the service, and counting the offering after each service. For more information on how to serve in this ministry, please contact Rachael Samples.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild arranges flowers for the church and chapel each Sunday and for special services such as Christmas and Easter. Members of the Flower Guild serve one Sunday a month every month and all members help with Christmas and Easter. For more information about the Flower Guild, please contact Andrea Vandervoort at 256-655-3119.
Home Visitation
Home Visitation Ministry provides caring, friendly, monthly visits to parishioners who are unable to take part in the activities at Nativity. Through this ministry, members at Nativity continue to feel connected to the parish community. Parish Visitors visit at least one member once a month for about 30 – 45 minutes. Visitors bring the church bulletin and other news of Nativity. For more information about serving as a Parish Visitor, please contact Connie Stephenson at
Feed My Sheep
Feed My Sheep is a ministry dedicated to cooking and delivering frozen home cooked meals to our parishioners in need. Please contact Amy Kennedy or a clergy member if you or someone you know has recently been ill, in the hospital, had surgery, experienced a death in the family, had a baby or adopted a child, or just needs to feel love from our wonderful church family.
Feed My Sheep Cooks serve one month per year and prepare six meal packs, each serving two adults. The amount of meal packs may vary depending on freezer space and the number of parishioners in need. For more information about being a cook, contact Heather Stroud at
Each Feed My Sheep Delivery Volunteer is assigned approximately one week every other month in the calendar year. The Monday of your assigned week you email Amy Kennedy and the Ministry Lead to see if there are any known deliveries for that week. Delivering meals usually takes 2 hours total for the week. For more information about being a driver, contact Justin Stroud at
Funeral Hospitality Ministry
The Funeral Visitation Hospitality Ministry provides hospitality and support to families during visitations at Nativity and also extends hospitality to friends who come to offer their support and sympathy to the family. Ministry Volunteers at the visitations wear a name tag identifying them so family and friends know who to ask for help for directions to restrooms, to give help with identifying family members, point out the guest book, give directions to the funeral service location, answer other questions or help in any way we can. For more information on this ministry, please contact Freya Neely at
Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service and evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as the Lord of our lives. We are an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Today our membership includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches. We meet the third Sunday of every month August through May following the 11am service for prayer, program and lunch. More information available on our Adult Formation page.
Building & Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for maintenance, repair and upkeep of parish buildings, grounds, and installed equipment, including safety and fire prevention. The committee works to develop an operating budget which includes preventative maintenance. If you have an interest in historic buildings and a background in a related field, please contact Emily Rodgers for more information,
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee works with other committees within Nativity to create an annual budget that is financially sound. The committee reviews the detailed financials on a monthly basis and makes financial recommendations throughout the year. The Finance Committee also works to create long range goals for Nativity and makes recommendations on any surplus funds. Finance Committee is made up of 9 to 11 people and meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm for about an hour. For more information about Finance Committee, please contact Austin Cook,
Stewardship Committee
Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as both contributin ginancially and giving our time and talents for ministry and mission. The Stewardship Committee works to provide education and programming on stewardship. For more information on joining the Stewardship Committee, please contact Patrick Robbins at
Receptions Committee
Receptions Ministry is responsible for providing, setting up, and cleaning up all food and decorations for special receptions at Nativity. Volunteers prepare food, set up trays, table cloths, arrange flowers and other decorations and assist in hosting the reception. Receptions are usually planned 3 -4 weeks in advance and vary based on need. For more information about helping with receptions, please contact Sally Stockton at 256-426-4291.
Garden Guild
The Garden Guild cares for all the different gardens at Nativity. Members prune, plant flowers, water, weed, trim bushes, rake, and clean up. As a member of the Garden Guild, you have an opportunity to learn a lot about gardening, so no experience required. The Garden Guild meets on the first Thursday of each month for a few hours. Each member is also scheduled once a month to water from May to October. For more information about joining the Garden Guild, please contact Lane Tutt at
Archives works to preserve the history of the Church of the Nativity by cataloging old and current documents, photos, Vestry minutes, etc. The Archives is creating a database of baptisms, marriages, and burials that took place at Nativity. Members of the Archives provide research on request to various groups and display that information as needed. Volunteers research through old records for various groups and file documents in the Archives as they come in. Volunteers would need to be interested in the detailed history of Nativity and be very organized. Time require for this ministry varies based on need. For more information on serving with the Archives, please contact Lora Arnold at
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee manages the parish’s 10% commitment to outreach by selecting and vetting organizations that carry out Nativity’s mission to respect the dignity of every human being, and specifically those who are hungry, sick, impoverished, imprisoned, or who are strangers. The Committee accepts applications for funds, reviews financial reports, and selects organizations for funding who exhibit financial need and fiscal responsibility. The Outreach Committee also organizes opportunities to serve within our community, specifically with the organizations that receive funding from Nativity. For more information about Outreach at Nativity, please contact Rev. Rose Veal Eby at
Parish & Community Engagement
The Parish and Community Engagement Committee works to provide meaningful and diverse opportunities to come together for fellowship with our church family, and in our community. The committee encourages our parish to participate in community events that reflect our core values and to be an open and welcoming landmark in downtown Huntsville. Time commitment varies based on your interest and availability. For more information about Parish and Community Engagement contact Vicky Hinton,
Stewardship of Creation
Stewardship of Creation works to practice our love of God through our stewardship of God’s creation. Caring for the earth is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. We demonstrate our love of God’s creation within the Church of the Nativity, in our local communities in Huntsville, in the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama, and in all of God’s creation. Stewardship of Creation currently has four members and is actively seeking new members to join this committee. This committee will meet every month, tentatively on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5pm. For more information, please contact Dave Chadwick at
The Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation grows from the realization that the beautiful and historic buildings that now house the Episcopal Church of the Nativity have been handed down to us in a sacred trust from those who have come before. Recognizing this incredible gift, we are called to be faithful and generous stewards of these buildings by offering our own financial resources to the work of preservation so that generations to come will know and perform the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord that have been and will continue to be inspired through this holy place.
Donations can be made to the Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation by mailing a check to:
Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation
208 Eustis Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
For more information on including the Nativity Historic Preservation Foundation in your will, please contact Lou Durnya at
All Rights Reserved
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
208 Eustis Avenue SE, Huntsville, AL 35801